Ending ALS
In 1996 my father in law William Foy Beal Jr was diagnosed with ALS. During the time it took to diagnose that he had ALS, folks asked if he had had a stroke, been drinking too much, these were symptoms of the onslaught of ALS attacking POP's motor neurons. Slurred speech and loss of dexterity are a couple of the initial symptoms someone experiences when they contract ALS. ALS is a brutal disease, not only does it eventually take your life, it tries to take your dignity as well. You lose the ability to talk, to walk, to eat for yourself, take care of yourself and eventually the ability to breathe and than of course you die. Pops Party People is an amazing group of committed people trying to end ALS's reign of terror. We can make ALS a livable disease. To do so we need everyone's help fundraising, volunteering and spreading awareness about this crippling disease which currently does not have any survivors to tell their story. This team has raised over 150,000.00 in its 15 year existence. Please join us to walk for the cure on Saturday April 26. I promise you will have a good time if you can come and walk with us or donate to fund research to End ALS.We are counting on your help and support!Wes Hare. 919-389-3459Thank you for helping me reach my Walk ALS Triangle fundraising goal! The Walk ALS Triangle raises funds to support the ALS community in North Carolina and to build ALS awareness to find treatments and a cure. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, talk, swallow and breathe. The life expectancy of a person with ALS averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. ALS can strike anyone, at any age and there is still no known cause or cure.

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