October 26, 2024
Check-In Time: 8:30am
Start Time: 10:00am
End Time: 12:00 PM
Greensboro Grasshoppers Stadium

Why We Walk


Register for This Event


To become a Walk Volunteer, contact walk@alsnc.org.


Top Participants
  1 -  $1,000 Milestone Corporate Sponsor North Carolina ($8,041.33)
  2 -  $250 Milestone Beth Allred ($301.52)
  3 -  $250 Milestone I Made a Difference! Jane Hall ($250.00)
  4 -  Amy Harrison ($243.00)
  5 -  Donna Stanford ($120.91)
  6 -  I Made a Difference! Ashley Miller ($100.00)
  7 -  I Made a Difference! John Allred ($50.00)
  8 -  I Made a Difference! Alexander Bethea ($25.00)
  9 -  I Made a Difference! Sandra Setzer ($25.00)
  10 -  I Made a Difference! Gayle Rose ($25.00)
  11 -  Jennifer East ($0.00)
  12 -  Lauren Manfreda ($0.00)
  13 -  Anthony Luper ($0.00)
  14 -  April Fields ($0.00)
  15 -  David Dickens ($0.00)
  16 -  Richard Whitaker ($0.00)
  17 -  Samantha McDevitt ($0.00)
  18 -  Kelly Drogue ($0.00)
  19 -  Paula Harrison ($0.00)
  20 -  Dan Powers ($0.00)
Top Teams
  1 -  Team Roxie ($472.43)
  2 -  Christ UMC ($275.00)
  3 -  Harrison's Heroes ($243.00)
  4 -  Bayada Assisted Care of the Triad ($100.00)
  5 -  Crusaders for Chris ($25.00)
  6 -  MGA Homecare ($25.00)